Our CEO Mr Lalit Saraswat was a speaker at the CII Conference on Healthcare and Pharma in Panaji on 25 Nov 2018. He spoke on Digital Marketing. Some key digital trends in healthcare are
Information flow
Information flow is no longer only from pharmaceutical companies to doctors and patients. Doctors can find information on medicines online. Patients can find information about medicines, diseases, symptoms, alternate cures and doctors online.
Dr Google
Patients increasingly seek second opinion and often first opinion from Google. Googling for symptoms and cures, including alternative cures is an increasing phenomenon. Healthcare professionals and Pharma companies cannot fight this trend by ignoring it or by just talking of the problems associated with self diagnosis.
Healthcare and Pharma are tightly regulated industries. Digital Marketing for Doctors, Hospitals and Healthcare professionals can help them reach patients who are searching for professionals, googling for symptoms, and even help establish them as thought leaders in their communities. Pharmaceutical manufacturers can explore alternate distribution channels, augmenting their traditional sales force, and effectively market their OTC products.