If there is only one thing that you have to get right, let this be it: Develop your web content with SEO in mind.
Write content for real users
To begin, write your website content for real users. That is the ultimate goal. Do not go overboard trying to write for search engines at this stage. If you want to write a post on the best financial advice you received, just write it. Create the outline, jot down a few points, add a conclusion, then work on gradually expanding the points into a larger body of text.
Modify content for the Web
Some authors swear by short editing content. Others say the content should be long with detailed analysis, and run into pages. Whatever your style, tweak it for reading on the web. Provide clear benefits, and lead customers to take action – fill out a form, pick up the phone and talk, or simply order online.
Write website content for Search Engines
Once the content is in place, tweak it for Search Engines. Change the heading to include your target keywords. Rewrite body text to suit Google, Bing or Yahoo. Does it sound better as “Auto Insurance Quotes” or will it yield better results as “Auto Insurance Rates” or “Car Insurance quotes” ? Do some Keyword research for SEO.
Serve fresh content regularly
Websites that serve fresh content regularly get higher rankings. Make sure your web design allows you to showcase your newest content strategically. You should periodically review old content to keep it fresh. Prune away old services or make edits to keep pace with changes in your industry and service offerings. Add a blog, insights, news, newer products and services. Whatever. But keep it fresh and ready for business. If you don’t have skills or the time to do this, get outside help to write periodic content for your business website.