Here are some commandments to help you generate regular content for your website successfully. Keep your eyes and ears open, and grab every chance to create content around any of these topics:
New product launch
Launched a new product ? Let the world know. Don’t keep your product a well kept secret.
Notable CSR Activity
Do good, and report it. Some countries make it mandatory to do CSR. For other businesses, CSR is a way of life.
Press Release / Press Coverage
Got local press coverage ? Let your website visitors know. Get permission to publish the article on your website.
Major new appointments
Did you hire the rockstar salesperson last week ? Of perhaps a known industry figure ? Tell your potential customers.
Conducts or sponsors a seminar / event
Have you been organising or supporting events in your city / industry ? Use your website to shout about it. Generate customer interest.
New partnerships
Did you just tie-up with another business to co-produce a product, or perhaps service a particular market ?
Notable visitors / meetings
Did your state governor or premiere just visit your office or establishment ? Did you meet an industry thought leader and can talk about it ?
Reaching milestones
Perhaps you just finished building 1 million square feet. Or perhaps acquire your ten thousandth customer. Or finished 50% of that project.
Project completion
Did you just deliver that fantastic product ? Talk about it.
Celebration of landmark days
Perhaps International Day of Yoga if you are a Yoga Studio. Founder’s Birthday. Independence Day.
Listed companies disclosures
If your company is listed on the stock exchange, you have to disclose certain information from time to time.
Customer Testimonials
The best thing that can help you get more business is the real voice of your existing and past customers. Capture it as text, photos, videos.
Adding Old Content
Maybe you just launched your website. But you have tons of old material that’s still worth its weight in gold. Get it typed and added to your website.
Wins an Award
Won an award thats newsworthy ? Best company for XYZ in 2015. Sports championship. Local Business Chamber Saftey Award.
Inauguration of some facility / service / Capacity expansion
Added a new factory ? Bought stake in a company ? Increased capacity by 25% ?
Major Industry / Regulator news
You may not create a lot of news… but there must be a lot happening in your industry. The regulator may have taken some steps that are likely to impact customers.
New geography / market
Started a new office on the Moon ? Looking at more business from an emerging country ? Talk about it. And then talk about it again in that local language.
Any other items
Anything else I missed… Since this list will be expanded soon, comments are welcome.