Having a custom branded email is critical from your branding perspective. The earlier you make this investment, the further your brand will go.
There are lots of advantages of migrating to business email powered by Google. Here are some of them:
Custom business email (@yourcompany.com)
You can select any email prefix of your choice. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- by name (eg: John@.. or Jane@…)
- by full name (eg: John.Doe@… or JaneDoe@…)
- by department (eg: Cruises@… or Outbound@…)
- by function (eg: Sales@… or HR@…)
- by location (eg: LasVegas@… or London@…)
30GB of inbox storage
This is double of what Google offers for free email.
Compatible with Microsoft Outlook and other email clients
You can access your email using your existing email client. Setup is easy.
Ad-free, 24/7 support from Google, and more
Business email is ad free. No annoying ads while you work.
It is supported direct by Google. No need to call anyone else and wait hours for service or problem solving.
Email on mobile devices, even without a connection
Works with Gmail’s app for Andoid, iOS, and more.
Read and compose your replies even when offline on a plane or in a forest, they will simply be sent when you connect the next time.
Backed by Google’s leading security
Google’s security is higher than that afforded by most smaller service providers. Go for it.
Change your password a million times without having to contact anybody else.
Only you have access to your password, so your service provider cannot read your emails.
99.9% guaranteed uptime, 0% planned downtime
Google maintains multiple servers with multiple qualified people managing them. This is much better than depending on a small company that may not have the expertise to provide a high level of service.