
About Lalit Saraswat

Lalit Saraswat is the founder and CEO of Sancoale Technologies. You can follow Lalit on: Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+

Photos that help you sell

Photos help make or break sales in the online world. While the best approach is to hire a professional photographer, here are some quick [...]

2017-04-06T17:04:30+05:30July 25th, 2015|

Content Commandments

  Here are some commandments to help you generate regular content for your website successfully. Keep your eyes and ears open, and grab every [...]

2017-09-27T12:20:02+05:30June 20th, 2015|

Village dependent on mining

Scheduled to visit a village soon that was largely dependent on mining. In 2011, Goa exported 43 million tonnes of cargo (Source: GMOEA website). [...]

2017-04-06T17:13:42+05:30January 20th, 2015|

Make life easier

It started as a typical invite to an event on a Saturday evening. My smart office assistant entered the event into my Google calender [...]

2017-04-06T17:17:34+05:30November 22nd, 2014|
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